Fi-Ji is a brand of Eljap company that was founded in 1999 by Mr. Jan Nuijen. Fi-Ji ginger is hand-grown in volcanic soil, rich in nutrients and minerals, certified organic, it stands out for its soft texture and mild taste, and is therefore appreciated worldwide.
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It stands out for its soft texture and mild flavour
Fi-Ji is a brand of Eljap company that was founded in 1999 by Mr. Jan Nuijen. Fi-Ji ginger is hand-grown in volcanic soil, rich in nutrients and minerals, certified organic, distinguished by its soft texture and mild taste, and therefore appreciated worldwide.
The brand has a wide range of ginger products such as syrup, crystallised ginger and ginger cubes in syrup. These go perfectly with fish, meat, chocolate, fruit, sauces, marinades, cereals, etc.
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