
Shrimp Quesadilla

This delicious, toasted Prawn Quesadilla recipe is perfect for you!


Preparation Method

  1. Heat a skillet with the oil and butter. When hot enough, add the chives and chipotle paste, stir and allow the chives to cook gently.
  2. Add the prawns to the pan, the fresh oregano, and the lemon juice, and season with a little salt and freshly ground black pepper.
  3. Mix everything together and remove the pan from the heat when the prawns are cooked and set aside.
  4. Place the Wraps on the kitchen counter and add a good amount of grated cheese.
  5. Top with the shrimp mixture, chipotle, and a little more cheese. Fold in half and repeat the same process with the rest of the filling and cheese.
  6. Heat your quesadilla in a hot pan, for a few minutes on each side, until well browned. Remove from pan and cut in half.
  7. Add the avocado slices and serve with Mango Salsa and Habanero.
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